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English IV - Controversial Topics Project: Assignment


Purpose of Assingment: To have stuents apply research in a practical appliation.


These are the topics you will pick from. If you want to choose something that is not on the list, you must clear it with your teacher.

  1. Human trafficking
  2. Access to clean water
  3. Universal healthcare
  4. Climate change
  5. World hunger and food security
  6. Vaccine hesitancy
  7. Global health issues (Need to be more specific)
  8. Internet access
  9. Internet privacy
  10. Race (Need to be more specific)
  11. Immigration issues
  12. Charter schools vs. public schools
  13. Private schools vs. public schools
  14. Standardized testing
  15. Social media and mental health (Need to be more specific)
  16. Physician-assisted suicide
  17. Women’s health issues
  18. Gender inequality
  19. Emotional support animals
  20. Recreational marijuana
  21. Medical use of MDMA
  22. TikTok censoring
  23. The death penalty
  24. Artificial Intelligence
  25. ChatGPT
  26. Electric/self-driving vehicles
  27. Influencer culture
  28. Animal rights
  29. Banning plastic
  30. Space exploration
  31. Censorship
  32. Zoos/Sea World
  33. 2nd Amendment issues
  34. Violent video games
  35. Movie, music, and video games ratings
  36. Benefits of social media
  37. Free sanitary supplies
  38. Restroom use for transgender people
  39. Decriminalizing non-violent crimes
  40. Necessity of college education