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Children's Literature English II : Home

Formatting and Style Guide

Format your essay using the MLA style guide. Here are the general guidelines:

  • Title page
  • 12 pt font
  • Times New Roman
  • 1”margins
  •  Double-spaced
  • Page Numbers


Include MLA style citations for each of your sources (40% of the project grade)

  • Use NoodleTools to develop and save these citations

Project Introduction

Children's literature 

English II Research Project:


How Children Learn

Description: Just as all children's literature writers must, we will research how children learn, mature, and grow to inform our own writing process once we begin writing our children's books.



Do you have a favorite childhood author?

Checkout TeachingBooks and learn all  about then and their published books, live interviews, eBooks, and more. 

Assignment overview:

o You will research how children learn in order to guide your process in writing a children’s book.

o Determine what topic you want to teach children about. Possibilities include…

  • Cultures
  • Social Issues
  • Science
  • History
  • Art
  • Music
  • Manners
  • Behavior
  • Coping tools/mechanisms
  • Social interaction
  • Other (approve with your teacher before beginning research)

o Find at least two different academic sources in the library’s research databases (Gale and EBSCO)

  • Must be:  An academic journal or  Ebook
  •  Must NOT be: A review or An abstract

· Any other insubstantial publication. If it’s not an academic journal or an Ebook, you’ll need to check it with your teacher before using or you won’t receive credit for the assignment.

 Write a 1 page essay describing your findings containing (60% of the project grade)

  • An introduction
  • General information about how children learn
  • Specific information about how to best teach children about your book’s topic
  • How you plan to incorporate this research into your writing process
  •  A conclusion