Your final product will be presented on a power point and will include the following:
1. Cover Page, your name(s)
2. Drug name (Common Name or Street Name) What is it?
3. Possible intoxication effects
4. Possible Health Consequences
5. What happens when you use if for the first time?
6. What activities/behaviors are most likely to be affected?
7. What does it do to the brain?
8. What other body parts can it affect?
9. How long does it stay in your body?
10. Can it be used as a medicine (if so what is it known to help with?)
11. Street Value $$$$
12. Age most common among users
13. How is it made
14. City with most usage
15. Country with high percentage of availability and usage
16. Law enforcement consequences
17. What if a person wants to quit using the drug?
18. Names of famous individuals who have over dosed or died using this drug.
19. Additional information that you or your group believe is beneficial
20. Video clip of the use or abuse of drug (2min)
21. Citations from NoodleTools