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The Geography of Religion -Moriel: Home


TASK: The city of El Paso has taken on the endeavor of updating its human culture: religion exhibits. You and a partner must design and construct an exhibit for the museum that educates and helps the average person understand the religion you have been assigned. The goal of this exhibit is to educate people from all backgrounds about your assigned religion and to help people better understand the culture surrounding this faith. Your fellow classmates will be utilizing the information you provide to understand the religion you were assigned.

The exhibit may be completed in any format you and your partner chose for example, Power Point, Prezi, Infographic Poster Maker. Be creative.

What's a library database

Encyclopedia of Religion

Required Information

Origins and Diffusion/Migration Map:

  • Point of Origin
  • Current distribution (% worldwide, % in the United States) (Show migrations/Explain Migrations)
  • Shown in map form separate from diorama

Cultural Landscape

  • Religious architecture/buildings
  • Important religious locations (shrines, sacred places and spaces)
  •  A festival or interesting celebration

Important tenants/beliefs

  • Monotheistic or polytheistic
  • Important terms for holy books, leaders of congregations, symbols
  • Different sects and their distribution  
  • Central tenants of the faith (noting variations among sects when applicable)

Important figures with BRIEF biographical information

  • Historic and Modern Times (ex: leaders of the faith, prominent media figures, music, movies, etc.)
  • Modern times (for example: leaders of the faith, prominent members in the media/tv/film/music, etc.

Visual Requirements:

  • Each diorama must contain
    • Images
    • Color – the region where your religion is practiced should also be a contrasted color
    • A 3D element
    • All of the required information above



Creativity and Neatness 


Information- Origins and Diffusion - Map 


Information- Cultural Landscape 


Information- Tenets and Beliefs (Holly Books) 


Information- Important Figures 


General Requirements (Images, Symbols) 


Works Cited/References (Alphabetical Order,

5 Sources, APA format)


Total Points: _____/ 100 
