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12 point font
Double Spaced
Times New Roman
APA format
The era of Realism in the United States brought out the famous works of people from Sojourner Truth to Mark Twain to Upton Sinclair. In similarity to the careful research and writing done by investigative journalists (muckrakers) exposing the ills of the U.S.; students will also engage in a project that commands one to question fiction from truth. The goal of the project is for students to sharpen their research skills by analyzing a variety of sources, navigate media literacy, and successful present their findings in a real-world setting.
So what are we actually doing?
You will be choosing a conspiracy theory, medical mystery, or strange phenomenon to research for the next 6 weeks and at the end, present your topic to the class in multiple media formats (a PowerPoint and Flipgrid). We will be doing this in small steps and each piece of the overall project will be graded along the way for daily grades and weekly exams. However, once all smaller pieces are completed the entire assignment will be on a PowerPoint which will then be presented to the class. Important things to remember is that; you should choose something that interests you, NO ONE in the class can have the same topic, and we will be using to check all pieces of this project for plagiarism.
5 page paper over the conspiracy theory will include the following:
Title Page
Paper (5 Pages)
2 Academic Sources
2 Non Academic Sources
APA Citation Style